"Rejoice O young man in thy youth..."

"...For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"
Luke 18:14

"Educate the children and it won't be necessary to punish the men"

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Shred the tendency

Open access to textbooks simply means that more students are able to have access to knowledge, allowing them to eliminate a part of their financial problems in their university path. However, this means what it means, no more and no less. 

We have the tendency to look at a problem, and its *derivatives*, *consequences*, *similarities* to other problems, etc.

A recent study finds no significant effect on the student learning success when using open access textbooks, as compared to other resources:

Phillip J. Grimaldi, Debshila Basu Mallick, Andrew E. Waters, Richard G. Baraniuk, "Do open educational resources improve student learning? Implications of the access hypothesis", PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212508. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212508

Link: HERE

I did not expect another outcome. However, this study is not *definitive*...