"Rejoice O young man in thy youth..."

"...For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"
Luke 18:14

"Educate the children and it won't be necessary to punish the men"

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Bad news by NASA: West Antarctic Glaciers in Irreversible Decline

I will remember these research findings for a long time:

William Freeman's vision about How to Do Research

Around 1.5 years before reading my PhD I bought a book about how to write a PhD. In that book I found some discussions about something more important: which topic you want to work in and how one should try to solve problems one faces when doing research.

Prof. William Freeman's approach is a very efficient way to make oneself a clear and fast idea about the main guidelines:

1) William T. Freeman How To Do Research (Informal note written for new graduate students), March 6, 2013

In this document you will find a link (you can also click HERE) to a presentation where important people in my field have given their opinion about how to do research.

I hope will be useful!.